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Driving Ticket Sales for Cinema Chain

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The Client is a cinema operator that operates a cinema chain across Singapore. They have engaged a couple of vendors over the years for their digital marketing efforts.


  • The Client is looking for ways to improve their marketing campaign performance
  • The Client finds that reports that they have been receiving from other vendors lack details and insights and it impedes their learning or actionable insights that can drive improvement
  • Client also realized that capabilities including ability to target certain audience segment lacks the sophistication that is needed to reach their marketing objective


  • Knorex XPO marketing cloud platform with auto-optimization feature was enabled
  • Media bidding price was set with a maximum cap since Client is wanting to restrict the maximum bidding price.
  • Client was provided direct access to a detailed report via XPO in real-time
  • Tracker was embedded into the ads as well as the client’s website to track the traffic sources
  • XPO enables powerful marketing strategies and capabilities to be deployed:
    • contextual targeting to target high-intent audience, and contextually relevant websites and apps to the movie. Different movies have different demographics.
    • whitelisting of apps and sites to ensure advertisements are shown in proper and intended contents



Reduction of marketing cost


New leads and ticket sales

  • Client achieved a 50% reduction of their current marketing cost
  • XPO generated over 35% of new leads and ticket sales